VIDEO Letter from Alicia Apartelle which YOLOL English is located.
YOLOL ENGLISHが使用しているホテルのフロントスタッフからの『Welcome Video』です。
YOLOL ENGLISHのオフィス・教室・滞在施設は全てこちらのホテル内にあり、最高に快適な環境です。
Alicia Apartelle. An apartelle like no other. Take comfort and good stay at Alicia Apartelle where well-balanced design and quality of home can be found. It is primarily tailored for long-term stay with discerning taste and worry-free stay in Cebu City. It is located near the financial and commercial center of Cebu, and within easy reach of the city’s main shopping areas, making the apartelle ideal for business professionals and overseas workers. Discerning service and supreme comforts are ultimately offered to make life easier and more relaxed. Anyone who misses home will truly find Alicia Apartelle as one. Welcome to YOLOL English, Welcome to Alicia Apartelle.